
Misiewicz, Mosek i Partnerzy Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów

Contact details

ul. Stągiewna 12/2 80 – 750 Gdańsk, Poland

tel. +48 58 3003 999 tel. + 48 58 305 35 19 fax + 48 58 305 34 85

Account number: 66 2490 0005 0000 4530 7066 6595 w Alior Bank KRS: 000137550

How to find us?

Once you have reached 12 Stągiewna street
ul. Stągiewna, Gdańsk, Polska
Go to one of the entrances marked on the map and continue to the second floor using the staircase, then look for our door inside the patio
Map of staircase entrances
Interior patio